
Scene 001-

After I finished the the generic Tie Fighter- there were so many paths I could take as far as moving on to the next thing:

Build Mac-Vader's Tie fighter
Build the Cockpit for the Tie Fighters
Finish the X-wing (which I'm close to doing)
Get a final design on the Characters and build them
Figure out how I'm going to animate the CHARACTERS

But the excitement of having a completed ship made me ache to try and see something finished- or closed to it... So I decided to work on the first scene of the animation.

As cliche as it is to break out the Star Wars style title and float it back, followed by the introduction paragraph- it HAD to be done...
I figured I would jump in and knock that out...because it's just a couple of graphics, floating over space and then I have the Tie fly by- which will eventually reveal the Mac Star- It's SIMPLE, right!?

MAN! That shit was difficult as hell to get the timing right.

And that was WITH having an animatic of the scene I created in Flash.

So in this movie you will see the animatic of scene one followed by the actual scene one in progress.

I Got Jacked animatic...scene 001 from kimmygorden on Vimeo.

This is the animatic for scene 001 of my animation for "I Got Jacked When I Bought A Mac" It's still a work in progress-

I hope to put the final up for this scene soon (as I remodel the mac star and straighten out my Tie flyby issues).

As you can see, it's been a hell of an upgrade from the animatic.

I did go with the cliche Sith Wars pull back but added the a title reveal much like I thought would have happened with "The Empire Strikes Back".

You will notice a sort of slow down of the title as it gets further back. Sometimes when I see this it annoys me and then other times I really like it (it makes me feel like the original SW which had little things like that going on in it).
If I change the in-out of the right key frame it would probably fix the situation. I might do something with that.

I like the wording of the paragraphs but they take a little while because it is a lot to read. I've gotten used to it but I may cut a version that doesn't have that in it. People are so impatient these days.

So I'm pretty happy with everything else...Yeah, RIGHT!

Here is what I want to fix:

I've already redone the flyby of the tie fighter- In this scene I had the frame rate wrong but I wanted to see the compositioning.
In the remake you REALLY get a good look at the logo on the wing but I don't like the way it glows so I'm gonna try to amp that up as well.

I've remodeled the Mac Star since I started to compose this post- which really wasn't that bad because I did like what I had created before I just needed more detail (the Mac Star you see in the picture is just a drawing- hee hee).

I plan to add some lights to the Mac Star to flesh it out a little more.

I have some flares in the shot but I'm not sure they work. It might be better to use some lighting and blend the composition better. Maybe shroud the Mac Star in some natural darkness.

Space is boring. I mean, it looks pretty and all but it just sits there.
In my mind I've flirted with the idea of making the blackness of space more fluid- kind of a shifting darkness. Then other times I like how still it is. So I'm gonna play with that.

I got rid of the planets that were in the flash animatic but I might put them in...idunno.

After that I have sound efx and music to add...I played with one little ditty but I'm not happy with it at ALL.

Well, back to work.