
Tie Fighter Action

'Sup Crickets!

I'm back in action. There is so much I can post but I'm gonna go with my latest completion...The Mac Tie!

This here is the Desktop version because it is in fact, my wallpaper right now- HOWEVER there is a problem with it... It's too close to the actual Mac logo.

I actually drew this logo myself so it's not exact but it's pretty damn close. It's "Hey! Take it down or we're gonna sue you!" close.

When I complete this thing, I don't know HOW Apple is going to react-
They could be cool and see the video as the parody that it is...or they could be a bunch of assholes and try to strong hand me. I can't leave that to chance.

I mean- the song I don't worry about because I'm telling a story that happened to me. It's personal and it's my opinion.
But I want to be careful with the images I put out there. Mr. Lucas will be cool I think but I'm not dissing Star Wars.

So this was the time to make a big decision:

Do I complete the animation with the real logo and wait until I hear from someone at Apple before I take it down?-


Do I do the animation with an original logo and hope people connect the dots enough that the video is still funny?

Believe it or not- I was heavily considering option one, with the idea that I would have a backup animation with all the logos switched out AND I was designing things so that all I had to do is click a button or turn off a layer so the Mac logo would be gone...

But then I said "forget it" when I really realized how much double work I'd be (and was) doing.

The best thing to do would be to make a symbol that people would instantly think was the Mac logo although it is not.

I thought about adding an extra bite out of the apple but went with this:


That oughta do it. Here it is in action:

and from the back:

I hope that is enough. Thoughts?

Yup, I thought you would say that... crickets.


itsjustme said...

Looks like it'll do the job and be different enough to avoid a lawsuit to me.