
I'm Back baby!!!!

I was sick as a motherfucker last week. You know, the kind of sick were you are sitting and the room is spinning and all of your energy is pouring out of you...THAT kind of sick.
But I'm all good now and back at it. Playing with The Dark Knight a little but trying to finish my presentation for that certain channel...

I also played with my boys and did this little picture of the family South Park style...

More to come



That should be my middle name...
Lemme tell you what I'm sidetracked by at the mo.

On top of a RIDICULOUS work schedule (I actually worked 28 hours of overtime two weeks in a row) I got a tip that a contact is looking to do a show for certain channel that will go nameless...

Anyway- I have two ideas that have been floating around forever in the form of a Word Doc- Now I'm trying to throw together a quick Flash presentation.

UGH! So much to do so little time...

Anyway- I would like to take this opportunity to welcome my boy DAVE into the Blog fold. You can check his site in the links section. I can guarantee you that his blog will be funny as hell and brutally honest. He might even have a conspiracy or two thrown in there- Well, at least until the feds crack down on him.

I've got another blog in the works as well- but I really need to get an assistant or clone myself or something.

Wouldn't that be COOL? Like, if you had 4 or 5 of you then you could get all your shit done with some kind of expediency.

I learned a lesson and try to delegate some of the stuff I'm trying to do to an Artist I really dig, but he is a freelancer as well and I gotta cough up some dough if I want his stuff. Which is totally, the responsible and business way to do things, honestly. Now, I gotta get my hands on some cash I guess- This is why I always end up doing things myself. I'm broke.

It would help if Bush got off his ass and was a leader of some sort!

Ha ha ha! I LOVE blaming everything on Bush. It's so easy 'cause it's true.