
Double Whammy-

Double whammy because this is my second post for today AND I have two things to say:

1. I got the greeble situation handled- I'll have to render in sections and composite. Which I'll do with part one of scene 11 tomorrow.

It just took some organization and planning- which is becoming more of a necessity as I go along, eh?

2. You'll note I've dropped the name Ponomo Studios (logo change too)- as I've dissolved the company sometime ago and I've grown out of the name. Hell, I only ever produced Stems and Seeds under that name anyway.
Working on a new name and I got a couple of ideas I like that I will have to investigate in the future. No hurries.

Oh. And here are a couple of pictures to see you off. I've been working on a style inbetween these two shots.


Unknown said...

This could be a cool painting in itself--so abstract, but graphically striking. Really nice sheet bro.

itsjustme said...

Great job so far!